Tuesday, 7 October 2008

September Update


• The fatigue continues but has eased somewhat. This is to be expected as the distance (in time) from the last implant increases. But of course, this means I'm getting closer to the next implant; and so the cycle continues.

• The hot flushes continue but with less frequency and duration. Shortness of breath continues and has eased somewhat - see point 1 above.

• Night urinations have decreased to 1 or 2 per night!!

• Sleeplessness is now almost a thing of the past! I sleep very well now - between ‘pit stops’

• Tiredness has also decreased – see point 1 above!

• Hair loss - chest, stomach, under the armpits - continues but is not a problem. Less shaving required now

• Cognitive Impairment continues to improve; largely because I am forcing my brain to remember even small details - the old adage applies here - use it or lose it!!

• Confusion only rarely becomes a problem, because of the above strategy.

• Memory loss has eased considerably - again because of the above strategy!

• My 'High protein' energy drink (a breakfast supplement) has been added again along with:

Propolis - a product of honey, which has proven results for empowering the immune system; Sage – improves memory; improved, well-balanced diet; and, a milk substitute with added calcium and vitamin D – to prevent bone thinning.


• My attitude remains (mostly) positive!

• Bowel movements remain good.

• I have put on weight (all over) but it looks good - so I'm told. However I'm still trying to beat the 'bubble in the middle'!

I exercise (walk) most days to stave off bone thinning and muscle atrophy and have sufficient 'down days' to allow my body time to recover. I also get plenty of 'resistence training' (strengthening various muscle groups) by wrestling with my grandchildren!

I have had to ‘work’ at balancing these two; it was only when I considered just how much my body was damaged during the Radiation Therapy that I was able to fully understand the importance of maintaining this balance!