If you have been wondering why the posts on this blog have 'thinned out' a little; I'll let you in on a secret ... I really don't like thinking about the fact that my future still remains uncertain. And ...
... after nearly 18 months of living with cancer, I'm tired!
Tired of all the side affects; tired of the 'shadow' hanging over me; and, just plain tired; especially since the worst of the side affects: 'Fatigue', still presents huge problems!
While I continue to try to remain optimistic (even while battling the ever-present depression), as well as trying to limit 'stress'; as this adds to my (new) cholesterol problem; I strive to maintain a healthy diet to minimise both weight gain (side affect of Hormone Therapy) and to reduce my cholesterol level in conjunction with a regular, active exercise regime.
A recent blood test (to investigate my high cholesterol readings) brought both good and bad news. The good: My PSA levels (about 6 weeks premature) showed a positive result!
While I continue to try to remain optimistic (even while battling the ever-present depression), as well as trying to limit 'stress'; as this adds to my (new) cholesterol problem; I strive to maintain a healthy diet to minimise both weight gain (side affect of Hormone Therapy) and to reduce my cholesterol level in conjunction with a regular, active exercise regime.
A recent blood test (to investigate my high cholesterol readings) brought both good and bad news. The good: My PSA levels (about 6 weeks premature) showed a positive result!
A further dramatic decrease from 0.3ng/ml to 0.2ng/ml - a 33 1/3% decrease!
The bad news: My cholesterol remains very high in spite of a good healthy diet and vigorous exercise!!!
While the PSA level is very positive, the fact remains, that I need to maintain such results for another 4 years and 4 months before the doctors will be satisfied that the cancer is gone!
I have to bear in mind also, that the type of cancer I have is the most aggressive variety. And so even though my PSA readings would seem to indicate that all is well; there remains a possibility that the cancer is not gone.
While the PSA level is very positive, the fact remains, that I need to maintain such results for another 4 years and 4 months before the doctors will be satisfied that the cancer is gone!
I have to bear in mind also, that the type of cancer I have is the most aggressive variety. And so even though my PSA readings would seem to indicate that all is well; there remains a possibility that the cancer is not gone.
Sorta ... "Every silver lining has a dark cloud"!
The Cholesterol ... well it looks like medication for this, until things (hopefully) improve naturally.
On another front, as I indicated in a recent post, it looks like I have Chronic Radiation Proctitis and am scheduled for a colonoscopy and follow up surgery in a few weeks time.
An update on the current side affects I'm tolerating includes:
Fatigue; Hot flushes; Cognitive Impairment (including short term memory loss); Muscle weakness; Depression; Erectile Dysfunction and the 'new boy on the block' ... arthritis!
On another front, as I indicated in a recent post, it looks like I have Chronic Radiation Proctitis and am scheduled for a colonoscopy and follow up surgery in a few weeks time.
An update on the current side affects I'm tolerating includes:
Fatigue; Hot flushes; Cognitive Impairment (including short term memory loss); Muscle weakness; Depression; Erectile Dysfunction and the 'new boy on the block' ... arthritis!
Hi John, Congratulations on your brilliant blog. It is very well written and constructed as well as being most informative.
I'm awfully sorry to hear of your ongoing health dilemma.It so happens I am a fellow traveler with Gleason grade 9 aggressive prostate cancer, PSA 9.90 together with other health issues.
My approach however, is somewhat different to yours and as a consequence I have next to no side effects suffered by your good self. Having taken the watchful waiting approach over the past three years I have developed my own natural health regimen, evolved after a great deal of research, which is ongoing.
I'm not saying my way is the right way. That's an individual thing.But at least I am sailing along quite nicely and with no regrets.
You may care to have a look at my own blog and perhaps we could exchange links.
Meanwhile, good luck to you.
Hi David,
Thanks for stopping by. I've had a good look over your blog and was quite impressed.
Firstly, in my opinion, it would take considerable courage and deterimination to 'go against the flow' so to speak; by relying so heavily on alternative treatment methods. Secondly, I would imagine that the path you are on ... as the one 'less travelled' is not only (potentially) more risky (less well researched apart from one's own personal research) but perhaps the more lonely.
I take your point that there may well be a built in bias on the behalf of the pharmaceutical companies. I can't imagine them funding alternative treatments. Although I have chosen a composite of medical and natural remedies as a personal preference, after much research and in spite of some medical bungles along the way; I trully admire your decision.
It would be good to compare notes, as intuitively I feel that your path may well be the right one!
I wish you well also. Stay in touch.
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