Thursday, 27 September 2007

The First Real Inkling...

When I was first informed that I had 'prostate cancer', by a local GP, I was really surprised by how calm I was - it was surreal!

I mean ... I know I heard the doctor say:

"It's NOT good news I'm afraid" ... and then something about: "I will give you a referral to a Urologist who will be better able to explain what the next steps need to be".

But even though the information was received, my emotions were obviously in 'lockdown mode'!

I should also explain that this was not my regular GP - he was away on Holidays at the time. This, probably helped; as neither of us had ever 'clapped eyes on each other' before that day.

I remember saying as we were preparing to leave the surgery sometime afterwards:

"OK, so I know I have prostate cancer and we are going to investigate that further; but what about my high cholesterol levels? What should we do about that"?

Amazingly (or amazed) the doctor simply returned a look; which interpreted, could have meant:

"What the ... *censored* ... are you for real"!

I'll never really be sure though, as no comment was passed; and, we have not crossed paths again!

Leaving the surgery that day, I guess I was in shock. It took quite a while before I finally allowed myself to consider the ramifications of what I had been told!

That's when the emotions began to (progressively) ... 'rear their ugly head'!

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