Well I'm back again, I wonder how this experience will compare with the 'big doughnut'? [aka CT Scan].
I didn't have long to wait before my question was answered. Soon I was ushered into another 'scanning room'.
In similar fashion I was asked to lie down, flat on my back, on the scanning bed. The 'Bone Scanning' device was decidedly dis-similar to the CT Scan. (See picture below)

After lying down as instructed, the 'operator' began to lower the upper scanner into position. As the scanner was getting 'uncomfortably close to my head'; I did what any 'red-blooded', macho, Aussie, male would do in my circumstances ... I closed my eyes!
When I opened my eyes briefly, there was precious little, if any, clearance (or so it seemed) between my head and the scanner! This was REALLY discomforting!
It was about this time, that I received a 'revelation'!
The 'operator', was not 'a patch' on the nurse who prepared me for the CT Scan - she was brilliant!
This guy by comparison ... was a loser! He had no personality, zero compassion and very little patience!
But ... I was at his mercy ... and so I decided that this was not a good time to tell him what I REALLY thought of him!
Fortunately for me, I had become very good over the years, at mastering a 'yoga breathing technique' and a companion 'relaxation therapy'! I was therefore able to 'evacuate' for the entire procedure. [Which to me seemed like just 5 minutes, but turned out to be more than 45 minutes!]
I was also more than a little 'put out', by the fact that the 'operator' (that's about as flattering a term as I'm prepared to use to describe him) disappeared after each subsequent re-positioning of the scanner.
Finally the ordeal was over, I abandoned my semi-naked state, for the more acceptable 'fully clothed state'; and made my way back to the real world.
At least there, I thought to myself: 'you KNOW that most people DON'T care about you; but at least they [mostly] don't try to pretend they do! Boy what a jerk!!
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