Another even more disruptive side affect, has recently reared its ugly head - 'persistent fatigue' (perhaps partially due to lack of quality sleep I spoke of in my last post).
This has meant that at most times throughout the day just lately, I have been lacking in strength and endurance (especially at work). Although I have at times experienced some relief when I was under 'pressure' and 'adrenalin' came to the rescue!
However, this was always short lived and of course was accompanied by its own 'downside' - tiredness etc - thus further compounding the issue!
This has meant that at most times throughout the day just lately, I have been lacking in strength and endurance (especially at work). Although I have at times experienced some relief when I was under 'pressure' and 'adrenalin' came to the rescue!
However, this was always short lived and of course was accompanied by its own 'downside' - tiredness etc - thus further compounding the issue!
Fatigue is particularly frustrating if you are otherwise fit and strong! I must admit, the male ego is not a 'friend' at times like these! It is amazing the 'battles' that you fight with yourself.
I am finding it particularly difficult to accept my condition these days. Instead, I tend to 'fight head on' ... the arrival of each new side affect. But I'm (slowly) finding that there is something to be said about a more measured approach. It is certainly far less taxing in the long run.
For example, I now try to: recognise the symptoms, link them (scientifically not emotionally) to a recognised side affect and then gradually (dependent upon your personal reserves - emotional, psychological and physical) apply a proven remedy - see 'My Journal'.
This is where my own research has proven invaluable. It is simply not practical to be ringing the doctor every time some new symptom arises. Also invaluable, is the fact that I have a select group of wonderful people who care and are there to offer support.
All of the research I have conducted, regarding improving your chances of defeating Prostate Cancer, has pointed to one recurring and crucial factor - support! I am very fortunate to have a loving wife, a compassionate and caring sister, a very supportive brother-in-law and a daughter who is constantly in touch although she lives half-a-world-away!
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