Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Still More Side Affects

The most recent addition to the stable (of 'side affects') is 'shortness of breath' and 'a tightness across the chest'! This is by far the most disconcerting to date.

Some days, I find I'm unable to climb a flight of a dozen or more steps without having to pause, rest a while and 'catch my breath'!

This is only a fairly recent happening and so I haven't as yet, managed to 'get a handle on it'. There is little doubt however, that this latest phenomenon is related to the subjects of the last two posts i.e. 'broken sleep' and 'fatigue'. But there also seems to be an element of anxiety and depression involved.


Depression has been skulking around all the while, it is never too far away. Depression has in fact been a constant battle since the day the 'news' (of Prostate Cancer) first broke.

Generally with the aid of a particular class of 'anti-depressant' (known as SSRI's or selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) I have managed to stay abreast of this - for the most part.


'Anxiety' (fear) however, has only recently made an 'overt' appearance. Even though depression and anxiety are closely related, I was caught somewhat unawares on a number of occasions with the arrival of this latest visitor.

My reasoning to date regarding this latest challenge; goes something like: the 'shortness of breath' and 'tighness across the chest'; could be a genuine side affect (see this post) or a combination of side affect and anxiety, or it could simply be the onset of anxiety itself.

Fortunately, I have become quite adept over the years at using various techniques to relax and avoid the onset of an 'anxiety attack'.

Anxiety attacks can manifest in various ways, but in my (personal) experience they always 'mimick a heart attack'! Perhaps, therein lies a clue as to the source of my anxiety!?

Time to reconsider my action plan moving forward ...
  • Diet - pretty much on target - check cholesterol levels. Medication?
  • Exercise - aerobics OK, but need to introduce resistance training.
  • Sleep improving - continue to experiment.
  • Relaxation - introduce at least two sessions per day. Do something every day just for fun!!
  • Medication - see doctor re possible anaemia - check blood pressure.
  • Spirituality - meditate more regularly.

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