Now as I sit to write about the experience, I am immensely conflicted. I am angrier than I can ever recall being - at least for a long, long time. I am not sure that I want to continue on this train of thought ... I'm not sure that any good will come from it ... but here goes.
Well ... I have just returned from the Oncology Department and I must say that the whole procedure went about as well as I could have expected. Let me try to explain...
Firstly, the nurse assigned to liaise with, and support patients like myself, was once again 'missing in action' - at yet another conference! Result ... no one there to brief my wife or myself and we were left to blunder our way through the whole affair.
Then the registrar, associated with my case, decided to insert the canular herself and somehow forgot to apply a dressing, leaving the thing dangling from my hand. [I nearly ripped it out getting changed afterwards!]
Thank God for a friendly nurse, who was quite apologetic, and subsequently made up for the doctor's oversight.
Upon entering the procedure room, I was told that I was to be the first to use the brand new device which was about to aid the Radiation Therapist (RT) in inserting the 3 gold seeds - successfully. However, the machine was obviously NOT calibrated correctly; as, on several occasions the insertion became [literally] a hit or miss affair.
The conversation [right there in front of me] went something like:
"I want to put it there ... you see that mark? But ... no it's gone ... I can't see anything ... I just have to ... no ... see .. now that's not where I want to be! We'll have to retract and try again"!
All three seed implants were inserted using great skill but with limited assistance from the brand new, high tech, gadget that they were all bragging about just 35 minutes before! Not exactly inspiring or comforting stuff!!!
The RT afterwards, gave the whole process: "a 9 out of 10 for degree of difficulty"! I concur.
Apart from the technical problems encountered, it seems that I also have a large calcium deposit on one side of my prostate, [now they tell me] which made it exceedingly 'hard' to penetrate through to the gland.
However, as a result of his perserverance and remarkable skill the RT achieved a result of: "12 out of 10, in terms of degree of success"! A result which was subsequently confirmed by a follow up Xray. The Radiation Therapist (RT) who conducted the whole procedure was brilliant - I thank God for him.
Then there was the botched attempt to remove the canular. A trainee nurse decided that she was equal to the task, but unfortunately left me with a 'balloon' on the back of my hand after forgetting to apply pressure to the site while removing the canular!
Oh, and 'the ride back down hill', through the carpark [which was barely under cover] while Sydney experienced another unseasonal 'drenching'; might have been pleasant except for the 'maniac' who was driving [the wheel chair]! On at least two occasions, I considered jumping off and running off to one side to avoid a collision!! Not sure where the guys head was!
Then, finally arriving back in the Oncology department we were summarily 'dropped off' by the orderly (who was anything but) and then forgotten! It seems, we arrived back during the lunch break! I sat there semi-naked, while my wife played 'hide and seek' with the nurses!
I started out by stating that: 'the whole procedure went about as well as I expected'. What I meant was ... in my case ... 'Murphy's Law always seems to apply. If anything can go wrong [in my life] it will!!
Now, some of you may be thinking:
"He's finally getting in touch with his anger'! And ... "no doubt the account is exaggerated because of this."
Well, let me assure you, the account is both real and factual - no exaggeration needed!
As for the anger ... well, this is not the first time I have felt the raw emotion associated with feeling trapped in my present circumstances; but it is the first time that I have actually written about it [publicly]! My journal is only too familiar with my 'ugly side'!
More to follow when I calm down ...
Well ... I have just returned from the Oncology Department and I must say that the whole procedure went about as well as I could have expected. Let me try to explain...
Firstly, the nurse assigned to liaise with, and support patients like myself, was once again 'missing in action' - at yet another conference! Result ... no one there to brief my wife or myself and we were left to blunder our way through the whole affair.
Then the registrar, associated with my case, decided to insert the canular herself and somehow forgot to apply a dressing, leaving the thing dangling from my hand. [I nearly ripped it out getting changed afterwards!]
Thank God for a friendly nurse, who was quite apologetic, and subsequently made up for the doctor's oversight.
Upon entering the procedure room, I was told that I was to be the first to use the brand new device which was about to aid the Radiation Therapist (RT) in inserting the 3 gold seeds - successfully. However, the machine was obviously NOT calibrated correctly; as, on several occasions the insertion became [literally] a hit or miss affair.
The conversation [right there in front of me] went something like:
"I want to put it there ... you see that mark? But ... no it's gone ... I can't see anything ... I just have to ... no ... see .. now that's not where I want to be! We'll have to retract and try again"!
All three seed implants were inserted using great skill but with limited assistance from the brand new, high tech, gadget that they were all bragging about just 35 minutes before! Not exactly inspiring or comforting stuff!!!
The RT afterwards, gave the whole process: "a 9 out of 10 for degree of difficulty"! I concur.
Apart from the technical problems encountered, it seems that I also have a large calcium deposit on one side of my prostate, [now they tell me] which made it exceedingly 'hard' to penetrate through to the gland.
However, as a result of his perserverance and remarkable skill the RT achieved a result of: "12 out of 10, in terms of degree of success"! A result which was subsequently confirmed by a follow up Xray. The Radiation Therapist (RT) who conducted the whole procedure was brilliant - I thank God for him.
Then there was the botched attempt to remove the canular. A trainee nurse decided that she was equal to the task, but unfortunately left me with a 'balloon' on the back of my hand after forgetting to apply pressure to the site while removing the canular!
Oh, and 'the ride back down hill', through the carpark [which was barely under cover] while Sydney experienced another unseasonal 'drenching'; might have been pleasant except for the 'maniac' who was driving [the wheel chair]! On at least two occasions, I considered jumping off and running off to one side to avoid a collision!! Not sure where the guys head was!
Then, finally arriving back in the Oncology department we were summarily 'dropped off' by the orderly (who was anything but) and then forgotten! It seems, we arrived back during the lunch break! I sat there semi-naked, while my wife played 'hide and seek' with the nurses!
I started out by stating that: 'the whole procedure went about as well as I expected'. What I meant was ... in my case ... 'Murphy's Law always seems to apply. If anything can go wrong [in my life] it will!!
Now, some of you may be thinking:
"He's finally getting in touch with his anger'! And ... "no doubt the account is exaggerated because of this."
Well, let me assure you, the account is both real and factual - no exaggeration needed!
As for the anger ... well, this is not the first time I have felt the raw emotion associated with feeling trapped in my present circumstances; but it is the first time that I have actually written about it [publicly]! My journal is only too familiar with my 'ugly side'!
More to follow when I calm down ...
Dickheads. All round. Patient rage warranted. You should stick in a formal complaint, lest our health system become as heartless and shitty as the American's.
Ps - I was trying to call you yesterday and earlier. Seems I have troubles with Skype, can't get through to Nan either. Will try tomorrow or have you call me.
'Daughter rage' noted and understood!
I did make a formal complaint to the registrar and received an unqualified apology. Our health system in NSW IS in crisis and this incident is indicative of the challenges faced.
Look forward to your call.
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