Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Another Tough Day at the Office

You've gotta laugh ... if you don't you'll probably end up crying!
Picture this: A lone male, sitting naked on the only loo; adjacent the Radiation Treatment room ... there's a sense of urgency, you don't want to be too long!

Time is of the essence, you're about to be called in for your treatment in just a few minutes; meanwhile you haven't managed to open your bowel! And this is the only loo (Male or Female).

In your right hand you have a tight grasp on a 500ml bottle of water; this has to be consumed in minutes!

You know, that you can't afford to empty your bladder - you've gotta hold it - but it is imperative that you empty your bowel ... and pronto! Now ... there's a definition for internalised conflict!!

And so, with an enema in the other hand you take the only course of action available to you ... times running out, you have got to go!

Sniffing constantly because of an incessantly runny nose and wiping away the tears; you are just glad that this will never be: a 'Kodak' moment.

Well finally ... with the job done, you march out to the waiting just in time to hear your name being called.

"Mr Purcell ... how are we feeling today"? "Oh ... ahh ... I'm good thanks".

You couldn't be bothered going through the whole story - sometimes people REALLY don't want, or need, to know the whole truth!

With the treatment over and successful, by all accounts; it was off home to have a rest and try to shake off the dreaded sinus attack!!

And you thought I was crying ... didn't you!

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