As I recall that moment now, I can't help but smile broadly. The Urologist had asked me to climb up on the 'bed', which was located against the far wall. As I approached the 'bed' I received a new command: "drop everything from the waist down, climb up; then lie down and face the wall - in a foetal position".
Now everyone knows that doctors are well respected and to be obeyed - to the letter. And so I did as requested. Now imagine, a 56 year old (proud Aussie) male, with his dignity only just intact ... his trousers and underpants around his ankles ... trying to climb onto a 'bed' one metre high!
"Hey 'doc' don't you think it would have been much easier to climb up here, if I didn't have my 'dacs' down around my ankles? Come on fair go!"
The doctor simply laughed (I suspect a snicker was present too) and explained that most of the men he sees; can't undress that easily once on the table. Hence the 'dacs down first routine! So much for trusting in authority figures. Next time I'll ask for a second opinion!
Now, this could not have been a pretty sight!
I was (almost) glad that my wife had been asked to leave the room for the duration of the procedure.
Imagine what she would have had to endure, the poor thing; watching while her husband - whom she had previously viewed as: strong, self-reliant, a pillar of strenth type - was anything but a picture of strength and calm. The image she would have had burned into her psyche would have been that of a:
'A half naked middle-aged man, lying helplessly in a 'foetal position' (which speaks of vulnerabilty, dependence upon others) 'facing the wall', as though in disgrace; and then letting out a pathetic wimper, as a gloved finger was thrust into his nether-regions!
Oh, the indignities we men have to endure!
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