Monday, 4 February 2008

Looking for a Role Model

"I am woman hear me roar..."

Since my last post, that line from a Helen Reddy song (of yesteryear); keeps reverberating in my mind, as if to taunt me!

It's not enough, that I'm somewhat 'gender-confused' as a result of being 'chemically castrated' some months ago ... no ... now I'm becoming obsessed about my weight! My weight has now ballooned out to 91 kgs and I'm 'not happy Jan'.

To make it worse, all those (extra, unwanted) NINE kgs have decided to congregate around my mid section! I would have been happier if they had 'spread themselves out'; but nooo...! Now I've had to go out and buy a whole new lot of jeans, trousers, shorts and shirts! (Ah ... I just realised . .. there's hope for me yet ... I still don't enjoy shopping!!)

At work ... well its rather pathetic really. Whenever the women ask me if I've 'put on a bit of weight'; I find myself cowering behind: ... "it's the medication, its upset my body's ability to metabolise correctly".

Now, before you jump in with: "...have you considered diet and exercise"? Let me explain; I continue to enjoy an almost exclusively vegetarian diet. The only meat I have is the occasional chicken or fish. And so ... no carbs, no fat, no cholesterol, no sugars etc. But still the weight defies me!

I have been exercising (lightly) and my job is one that requires a considerable amount of walking; but still the weight mocks me!

I know, I could defeat this latest enemy with a regular program of vigorous cardio workouts; to 'burn off the fat'. But, and here's the rub, the HT (Hormone Therapy) that I'm on causes considerable fatigue and I literally don't have anything left over after work.

And so there you have it ...

My decision? I have decided to try to ignore the weight gain, enjoy the new clothes and trust that the current 'exercise and diet' regime will, over time, win out in the 'battle of the bulge'!

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