Monday, 11 February 2008

You Found Blood Where - Part 2

Some time ago I wrote about the presence of blood in my semen (or ejaculate) an excerpt follows:

Now this I wasn't expecting ... I was told, that after the Biopsy I could expect to find blood in the urine. I was also informed that I could discover blood in the semen.

However, what I wasn't told, was that my first semen sample (4 weeks after the biopsy) would be the colour and consistency of (black) tea.

Now that was a shock! I was ready for evidence of blood, albeit dark; (as bright blood would indicate present bleeding) but to all appearances, what I was observing was not semen at all!

Even now, I am surprised at the profound impact that this unexpected occurence had on me. I guess ... anything to do with the male reproductive system, is closely linked to a man's perception of his 'male-ness'. Therefore any sign that something may be amiss in that area, causes alarm responses to reverberate through to the very core of a man's self-identification.

Well, I did promise to keep you updated; but I must admit ... this is the only area of research (re Prostate Cancer) that I have deliberately avoided - not precisely sure why?

This is of course a very sensitive subject for most (if not all) men and I'm certainly no exception; but in the interest of research I finally decided to pursue the matter further.

Imagine my surprise, after finally discussing the discolouration of my ejaculate with my wife ... that she had known all along! She simply said ... almost as an aside:

"Oh, I know ... it's been discoloured for sometime"!

My shocked reaction was: "How did you know"! I was genuinely surprised, and started thinking: 'women's intuition ... we guys don't have a chance'!

But then it dawned on me: "of course she would know ... she was there"!!

Anyway, that started me thinking:

'If the ejaculate was blood-stained BEFORE the TRUS (Trans Rectal Ulta Sound) then what had caused it'? 'More research needed - but a different hypothesis'!

Then I found this (courtesy of Doctor's Lounge):

"A brownish or reddish ejaculate indicates blood in the semen and can cause concern to the men who experience it. The condition is common, and many episodes go unnoticed because ejaculation is usually intravaginally. It may be benign or the first indicator of a urologic disease.

It can occur in persons of any age. Most men with this condition are young (average age less than 40 years) and have symptoms ranging in duration from 1-24 months. Blood in the ejaculate that persists for more than 10 ejaculations or 2 months requires further evaluation by a urologist or genitourinary physician. Often, the condition is self-limiting within 2 months.

The patient's blood pressure should be checked because severe Hypertension is associated with this condition, and may have a similar basis to the association of Hypertension with nosebleeds. Other conditions that could cause blood in the ejaculate include:

*Lesions of the urethra that bleed and contribute to the ejaculate, such as polyps, warts and strictures.

*Infections of the urethra (urethritis) which may be sexually or non-sexually transmitted. Urethritis has long been recognised as a cause of bloody semen, especially in younger men.

*Inflammations of the prostate, such as prostatitis.

*Other conditions of the prostate such as bleeding after a prostate biopsy (which resolves on its own), Prostate cancer, prostatic varices, prostatic stones. Blood in the ejaculate of men older than 50 years is occasionally a harbinger of Prostate cancer.

*Cysts, infections and malignancy of the seminal vesicles (a pair of male accessory sex glands that secrete most of the liquid component of semen).

*Systemic diseases, most important of which is severe Hypertension as previously mentioned. Others in this category include bleeding disorders, chronic liver disease and Lymphoma".

The most obvious culprit? "Blood in the ejaculate of men older than 50 years is occasionally a harbinger of Prostate cancer".

That's another item to add to my 'discuss with the Urologist list!

On that note; I am seeing my Urologist this Thursday for another LHRH implant and the results of my latest PSA blood test.

Oh, and by the way ... my ejaculate is still blood stained! I know because ... I asked my wife!

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