Friday, 28 March 2008

Defeating Cancer ... A KEY Ingredient

The further I travel on this journey (i.e. living with cancer) the more convinced I am, that one of 'most crucial' factors that makes the difference between winning and losing this battle; is the wonderful people you meet along the way!

The skills of the various practitioners, is of course a vital element to success; but this alone does not ensure the best outcome! I have found that the following have been extremely important to me on my journey so far:

  1. First and foremost ... a loving, caring and immensely supportive wife.

  2. A dedicated and loving daughter who travelled half way around the world, with two young children under the age of 2 years, to spend the first few weeks of my therapy actively encouraging me.

  3. Some of the 'best' practitioners in the country are part of my treatment team.

  4. The most fantastic nursing staff imaginable.

  5. Supportive and encouraging friends.

Conversely, it is also true that 'some' of the people you encounter along the way can actually be counter-productive when it comes to a positive overall treatment outcome. For example:

There are those who are:

'Only doing their job'! Commendable but not good enough when dealing with human suffering!

Then there are those who:

'Feign' concern/empathy ... whilst giving the distinct impression that you are simply another task on an already overburdened schedule.

Of course we also unfortunately encounter the following on the odd occasion:

"I'm too busy today ... ring me tomorrow" - types. This group, often times just need to find a way to 'harness their egos/self-importance! If they can't, then I'm sure that there are many 'out there' who would be only too willing to help with that task!!

I am just very greatful that I have met only one or two who belong to one of these latter groups. Probably a good thing all round ... as I'm known for 'speaking my mind' when the stakes are high enough!

An example of those who (I believe) understand and are dedicated to the 'wholistic' nature of healing, can be seen in the following photo. Here, one of today's team shares a joke with me just prior to the start on my treatment!

A BIG thankyou to all those who have taken such wonderful care of my wife and I!!

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